We’ve seen it happen in other communities and it’s been rumoured here for a while but today saw Tiny Township launch a “Short-Term Rental Licencing Program”.
Other waterfront communities have already launched similar programs citing the “disruption of the social fabric of their close knit communities’ as a reason to lean towards such sanctions.
What do you think?
Are AirBnB and VRBO properties good for our communities? They bring money to our local community, a community that thrives on tourism throughout the summer months. We get to share our community with those who aren’t lucky enough to enjoy it year round.
Or, do you feel that with short term rentals, it can lead to a community losing their identity with many properties being owned by investors. Other problems that have arisen have been “nuisance parties” and increased traffic through otherwise residential neighbourhoods.
Do you own a short term rental property in Tiny? Or, do you live in Tiny and are affected by short term rentals in your neighbourhood? Let us know what you think.
Here’s everything you need to know about the launch of the licence program from the municipality of Tiny Township:
Licence applications will only be received by the Township between October 4 to November 15, 2022. Details on the application process are forthcoming, however, those interested in applying are encouraged to visit our website www.tiny.ca/bylaws to review the By-law, which identifies the requirements that must be met to successfully obtain and maintain a licence.
All applications received by the November 15 deadline will be reviewed by staff. If everything is in order, a licence for 2023 will be issued. No new Applications will be received after November 15 2022 until the total number of active licences has fallen below 300 in the municipality. Any operator that has not submitted a licence application but continues to operate after November 15, 2022, will be investigated and charged pursuant to by-law provisions.
The following are just a few of the highlights of the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law #22-017. For a complete list of requirements please visit our website: www.tiny.ca/business-development/short-term-rentals.
- Applications will be received between October 4, 2022, and November 15, 2022;
- Shall not rent a premise for more than 92 combined days per calendar year;
- Requirements that a Licensee shall only be an individual(s), not a corporation;
- Requirements for signed Renter’s Code of Conduct AND Licensee Code of Conduct & Acknowledgment;
- The maximum number of renters on any premises shall not exceed ten (10);
- Requirement to designate a Responsible Person who can be contacted within 30 minutes and respond on-site within 60 minutes;
- Demerit Point System established and applicable table listing offences;
- Authority for the Licensing Officer to suspend or revoke licenses as set out in the by-law.
Do you have a short term rental property in Tiny and wondering how this will impact you or the value of your property? Call us and we can chat about your options.
We’ll be with you every step of the way.