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September 2022 Market Report For Our Communities

Fall is now in full swing and the market continued to cool off during September, providing many opportunities for Buyers. We saw a large decrease in sales activity where September sales were down 38% compared to 2021. For a few months in a row now, active listings continued to surge, across our communities we saw 151% rise in active listings. There’s lots of opportunities for Buyers right now but don’t forget that seller’s are still getting top dollar for their properties. Year to date, the average sale price is up 11.5% compared to this point last year.

In our local communities, we saw these trends continue, a lot more inventory in Midland with a huge 234% increase and in Penetang with a 109% increase. We also saw large inventory increases in Tiny and Tay throughout September. Whilst house prices still look very attractive to sellers, there are many opportunities for buyers too giving us an interesting market heading into the winter months.

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of October 6th, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on September 2021 vs September 2022.

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August 2022 Market Report For Our Communities

As summer has been winding down and everyone preparing for Kids going back to school, we saw an anticipated slowing of the market throughout August. We saw a large decrease in sales activity where August sales were down 34% compared to 2021. For a few months in a row now, active listings continued to surge, across our communities we saw 140% rise in active listings. There’s lots of opportunities for Buyers right now but don’t forget that seller’s are still getting top dollar for their properties. Year to date, the average sale price is up 13.3% compared to this point last year.

In our local communities, we saw these trends continue, a lot more inventory in Midland with a huge 195% increase and in Penetang with a 121% increase. We also saw large inventory increases in Tiny and Tay throughout August. Whilst house prices still look very attractive to sellers, the Bank of Canada continues to adjust interest rates and we will see more variations moving forward. Interest is likely to continue to rise so don’t miss out on that dream home now.

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of September 15th, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on August 2021 vs August 2022.

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Tiny Township Launches “Short Term Rental Licence Program”

We’ve seen it happen in other communities and it’s been rumoured here for a while but today saw Tiny Township launch a “Short-Term Rental Licencing Program”.

Other waterfront communities have already launched similar programs citing the “disruption of the social fabric of their close knit communities’ as a reason to lean towards such sanctions.

What do you think?

Are AirBnB and VRBO properties good for our communities? They bring money to our local community, a community that thrives on tourism throughout the summer months. We get to share our community with those who aren’t lucky enough to enjoy it year round. 

Or, do you feel that with short term rentals, it can lead to a community losing their identity with many properties being owned by investors. Other problems that have arisen have been “nuisance parties” and increased traffic through otherwise residential neighbourhoods.

Do you own a short term rental property in Tiny? Or, do you live in Tiny and are affected by short term rentals in your neighbourhood? Let us know what you think.

Here’s everything you need to know about the launch of the licence program from the municipality of Tiny Township:

Licence applications will only be received by the Township between October 4 to November 15, 2022. Details on the application process are forthcoming, however, those interested in applying are encouraged to visit our website to review the By-law, which identifies the requirements that must be met to successfully obtain and maintain a licence.

All applications received by the November 15 deadline will be reviewed by staff. If everything is in order, a licence for 2023 will be issued.  No new Applications will be received after November 15 2022 until the total number of active licences has fallen below 300 in the municipality. Any operator that has not submitted a licence application but continues to operate after November 15, 2022, will be investigated and charged pursuant to by-law provisions.

The following are just a few of the highlights of the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law #22-017. For a complete list of requirements please visit our website:

  • Applications will be received between October 4, 2022, and November 15, 2022;
  • Shall not rent a premise for more than 92 combined days per calendar year;
  • Requirements that a Licensee shall only be an individual(s), not a corporation;
  • Requirements for signed Renter’s Code of Conduct AND Licensee Code of Conduct & Acknowledgment;
  • The maximum number of renters on any premises shall not exceed ten (10);
  • Requirement to designate a Responsible Person who can be contacted within 30 minutes and respond on-site within 60 minutes;
  • Demerit Point System established and applicable table listing offences;
  • Authority for the Licensing Officer to suspend or revoke licenses as set out in the by-law.

Do you have a short term rental property in Tiny and wondering how this will impact you or the value of your property? Call us and we can chat about your options. 

We’ll be with you every step of the way.

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Meet Georgie

The Midland and District OSPCA recently gave us the chance to name an animal in their care and we picked the name “Georgie”, a nod towards Georgian Bay and a symbol of what connects all of our communities.

We couldn’t be more proud to learn that our name was given to this brave, strong little guy with a story of resilience that inspires us all.

Our kitten, Georgie was found abandoned at the side of a road in Orillia recently.

A passerby happened to see the hurt feline and came to his rescue, taking him to the Orillia OPP detachment.

“An officer rushed the kitten to the Mariposa Veterinary Hospital in Orillia,” said Robin Elliott, the community development coordinator for the Midland Animal Centre.

Georgie, was found to have suffered extreme nerve damage to his right front leg. He had also lost the skin on his chin and abdomen area.

“To give Georgie the best chance at a pain-free life, amputation of his leg was recommended,” said Elliott.

The cat also needed extensive stitches to try to reattach the skin around his chin and abdomen, Elliott explained.

The approximately 14-week-old kitten was transferred to the Allandale Veterinary Hospital in Barrie for surgery and is now on the road to recovery.

The good Samaritan who found Georgie generously donated $400 toward his emergency care and the OPP also held a fundraiser at the detachment in Orillia, raising $750, said Elliott.

It’s “an amazing story of collaboration and love,” she said.

However, more money is needed to cover the cat’s veterinary costs. It’s estimated about $500 more is needed and Elliott is hoping local pet lovers might step up to support the effort.

To make a donation, call the centre at 705-534-4459 or donate online at and specify the Midland Animal Centre for the fund allocation.

Elliott said the Midland facility is looking after the cat’s care because the Orillia Animal Centre already had a “major medical case” and did not have the capacity to take on another one.

Whatever happens, it looks like Georgie will have a safe and secure future. Elliott said the cat is recovering in his new “foster-to-adopt home” of a friend of the OPP officer who originally rushed him to the vet.

Officials urge people who are unable to look after their pets to contact their local OSPCA or animal rescue agencies. 

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July 2022 Market Report For Our Communities

As we look back at July, we saw a really interesting shift that presents opportunities for buyers and sellers. We saw a large decrease in sales activity where July sales were down 50% compared to 2021. However, in the sales that did take place, prices were up compared to 2021. For a few months in a row now, active listings continued to surge, across our communities we saw 119% rise in active listings. There’s lots of opportunities for Buyers right now but don’t forget that seller’s are still getting top dollar for their properties.

In our local communities, we saw these trends continue, a lot more inventory in Midland with a huge 121% increase and in Penetang with a 100% increase. We also saw large inventory increases in Tiny and Tay throughout July. Prices were up across our communities, a 57% increase in Midland and 15% increase in Tiny & Penetang. Whilst house prices still look very attractive to sellers, the Bank of Canada continues to adjust interest rates and we will see more variations moving forward. Interest is likely to continue to rise so don’t miss out on that dream home now. 

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of August 9th, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on July 2021 vs July 2022.

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June 2022 Market Report For Our Communities

As we look back at June, we can see that the market has begun to balance out. There was no large average sale price increases year over year, in fact we saw a 1.5% decrease in average sale prices compared to 2021. It’s worth keeping in mind though that prices are still up 36% compared to 2020 and 54% compared to 2019. The trifecta of rapidly rising mortgage rates, declining demand and surging listings (Up 89% in our communities) has shifted the market balance, previously in favour of sellers for a prolonged period, into a buyer’s market for the first time in many years.

In our local communities, we saw these trends continue, a lot more inventory in Midland with a huge 133% increase and in Penetang with a 181% increase. We also saw large inventory increases in Tiny and Tay throughout June. Prices stayed pretty consistent across our communities, a 2% decrease in Tay and 1.6% decrease in Tiny however Penetang saw 6% increase in average sale price. Even with a small decrease, Tiny’s average price is still lingering very close to the $1m mark for average pricing. Whilst house prices still look very attractive to sellers, the Bank of Canada adjusts interest rates we will see more variations moving forward. Interest is likely to continue to rise so don’t miss out on that dream home now.

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of July 14th, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on June 2021 vs June 2022.

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May 2022 Market Report For Our Communities

There’s been a change in the market over the last little while. For the first time in a long time we’re seeing both a raise in Sale prices and Active and New Listings. So finally, the inventory is starting to match the demand that we’re seeing from buyers. Buyers are still motivated though as the average price has gone up 10%. Despite the increase in listings, inventory is still down over 40% compared to pre-pandemic. Recent news of interest rate hikes have effected the market, but it’s important to remember, even after these increases, the rate is still lower than pre-pandemic.

In our local communities, we saw these trends continue, a lot more inventory in Midland with a huge 195% increase. We also saw large inventory increases in Tiny, Penetang and Tay throughout May. Prices are still continuing to rise in our area with the biggest in Tay at 36% increase. Tiny’s average price dipped 12% compared to last year but still sits just below the $1m mark for average pricing. There are starting to be more options for all those hungry buyers but prices are still climbing. So May bought good news for buyers and sellers alike.

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of June 7th, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on May 2021 vs May 2022.

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5 Signs Of A Rental Scam

Sadly, across Ontario and even our communities, Rental scams are becoming more and more common place. We’ve put together some information that will help you understand how the scam works and what to look out for.

If you’re on the hunt for a new rental home, you now need to be vigilant about a new type of rental scam proliferating online. Fraudsters are finding new ways to trick would-be tenants into falling for phony online ads. This scam can bilk prospective tenants out of money and time, plus cause undue stress to owners of the properties being listed fraudulently.

How The Scam Works

Basically, these rent scammers are taking photos of properties that are already online, on housing sites like MLS or, and using those photos to create fake rentals ad. They usually offer the rental well below market rates to attract interest, making it one of those “too good to be true” scenarios. 

When curious tenants start inquiring about the ad, the fraudsters will likely give suspicious reasons why they can’t meet you in person. For example, they are “out-of-town” and unable to show you the vacancy. The fraudsters will then ask you to send them a security deposit or the first month’s rent via wire transfer. They might even pressure you by saying other applicants are interested in the property. Sometimes the scammers will entice you with a discount if you send more than the first month’s rent.

The money requests are usually to be transferred via MoneyGram, Western Union or even a gift card. But once you send that money out of the country – say goodbye because it will be virtually impossible to get back.

Rent scams on the rise

According to a 2020 report, an Ontario man had his home unknowingly put online by rent scammers using photos of his property, which was in the process of being for sale. Would-be tenants began knocking on his door asking about the property and one even said they already sent a $1,000 deposit. 

It’s all part of a disturbing trend of rental scams taking advantage of tenants looking for a home. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre says that Canadians have lost $1.4 million in the last three years to these online rental scams. The Better Business Bureau claims that 50% of those looking for a rental home will likely encounter these types of online scams on sites like Craigslist, Kijiji and Facebook.

5 red flags of a rental scam 

  1. The first red flag to watch for is the price. If this is a nice property, way below the market rate, it could be a scam. Of course, it could be a great deal too, but make sure you should investigate it thoroughly.
  2. The “owners” of the property say they are out of the country, or out of town. Remember: it’s highly unlikely a landlord would list a rental and then leave town.
  3. If the listing’s photos are vague, and only show the outside of the property, it could be a scam. A good landlord will post quality images of the inside and outside. And if you see a “for sale” sign in the photo, you should probably avoid it.
  4. Any requests for security deposits or first-month instalment, without a formal rental agreement, should be met with deep skepticism, especially if it’s through a wire transfer like MoneyGram or Western Union going outside the country. Gift cards are another major red flag.
  5. If the alleged owner wants to communicate with you outside the rental platform or direct you to a website asking for personal or financial information, then you should turn and run away (virtually). 

How to stay safe from rental scammers

Searching for a rental home can be challenging on its own without having to deal with scam artists trying to steal your money. Here are some tips on how you can protect yourself from these online vultures.

  • Research the property in-person, if possible, and insist on meeting the landlord at the address. Take the time to visit the rental listing and see if it’s accurate and truthful to its online ad. If you cannot see it in person, ask a friend or family to view it for you.
  • Double-check the address isn’t being used elsewhere online. Google search the address to see if it’s been used in a duplicate post, or reverse image search the photo.
  • Request a lease or contract before you consider sending a deposit. Review it thoroughly and make sure it is legitimate. 
  • Know your rights as a tenant. The Government of Canada provides information on the rental process and which provincial housing ministries you should be aware of. Also, you should contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (1-888-495-8501), the RCMP or your local police if you have information about this type of online rental scam.

Of course the safest way to find your next rental property is to contact a For Sale On Georgian Bay agent who will be with you every step of the way!

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March 2022 Market Report For Our Communities

The spring market is here and we’ve seen a slight shift in the market. In March, we saw that active listings across our communities are up over 17% compared to 2021. It’s been a lack of inventory that has been driving up prices, so this news will be welcomed by the many buyers looking. However, inventory is still incredibly low – down more than 61% compared to pre pandemic numbers. With less options on the market, we continue to see house prices rise as the new average house price edges towards the $1Million mark – up around 30%.

Across our communities, we saw these trends continue, however we are starting to see more listings come to market. Tiny’s average price rose 21% compared to last year whilst also breaking the $1m mark for average pricing. Midland saw a 19.8% raise in average pricing but also a 42% hike in active listings. There are starting to be more options for all those hungry buyers but overall our community is still lacking the amount of inventory to match the buyer’s desires. With low competition, it’s still a great time to take advantage of the market and achieve maximum price for your property.

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of April 3rd, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on March 2021 vs March 2022.

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February 2022 Market Reports For Our Communities

Now that March has arrived and Spring is just around the corner, it’s time to look back at what happened in February and see where our local market is at. In February, we saw active listings are down 6% compared to 2021. Inventory is still incredibly low – down more than 73% compared to pre pandemic numbers. With less options on the market, we continue to see house prices rise as the new average house price has broken the $1Million mark – up around 36%

Across our communities, we saw these trends continue, however we are starting to see more listings come to market. Tiny’s average price rose 25% compared to last year whilst Tay and Tiny’s average price edged close the $1m mark. With low competition, it’s still a great time to take advantage of the market and achieve maximum price for your property.

Trust your local experts to guide you through the process and take advantage of the current market. Ask us about our FREE Home Market Analysis to determine exactly how much your Home is worth in today’s Market.

All data correct as of March 2nd, 2022, data gathered by the Ontario Collective based on February 2021 vs February 2022.